
Hands raised to volunteer

There are many opportunities to volunteer in our school. Volunteers are needed for events in the classroom, the library, field trips, to do photocopying and so much more. Your involvement is encouraged and appreciated!

Please read our district policies through the link above and for an application to become a volunteer.

Your paperwork can be returned to Mrs. Krieger our Media Specialist.

Designated Volunteers

Volunteers who serve on an ongoing basis and have one-to-one contact with students shall be considered Designated volunteers. Mentors, homework helpers, overnight chaperones, and coaches are examples of designated volunteers. This includes Volunteer Athletics Coaches.

Are you a Designated Volunteer? Click Here.

Other Volunteers

Volunteers whose interactions with students are limited and who will always be within sight and hearing of staff members shall be considered Other volunteers. The duties of Other volunteers may include activities like distributing popcorn or chaperoning day field trips under the supervision of staff.

Are you an Other Volunteer ? Click Here.

Parent Teacher Organization

The PTO is committed to keeping parents informed, and up to date with current events happening at

Smyth Road School! Check out our awesome PTO website!

We need your help! Please contact our PTO to volunteer for a specific activity at smythpto@gmail.com.

Be Sure to Like the Smyth Road School Facebook page and

our Smyth Rd. PTO Facebook page for recent updates.